Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Get everything you ever wanted

I actually made this video a while ago. The message is that you are worthy of anything and that by letting go of attachments you can have a healthy and everlasting relationship with things & people that you desire.
Ironically enough this is the only way to attract & keep everything good in your life. As soon you as you let go then everything that is good will start to show ^_^.
Realize that all value & joy is actually in you or rather in your heart. And that’s why you should just keep true to your own heart. And then you and what is in your heart will never be apart. So let go, let your heart run the show and go with the flow. Life becomes amazing and epic once you do. You should make love/the heart number one because only then can you truly get anything done.
Let things and people serve YOU or rather your HEART. That is the key to be free and happy. Life becomes effortless then. I’m not kidding. Everything is easy for love. It’s the strongest force of the universe for God’s sake O_O. Life is actually suppose to be easy. There are just so many people making things complicated and creating drama and chaos that you think it’s suppose to be hard but… It’s not. Let them wallow in self pity and negativity and play their childish little games. It doesn’t have to be that way for you.
People who let their ego run the show are constantly struggling to survive. People who surrender to the heart and let it completely play it’s part find out that life becomes easy. All they have to do is go with the flow and let their heart run the show. I promise you that your heart will bring you amazing things. You might still have to face challenges sometimes but the heart knows that those simply help you rise and always gets you through them. ALWAYS. You can reply completely on your own heart. It’s all you need.
You do not have to be a slave to money. You do not have to let negative people bring you down. You do not have to work for an asshole who doesn’t appreciate or value you. You don’t have to be sick and broke all the time. You don’t! You can have an amazing, rich and abundant life filled with miracles. It’s a choice. YOU DECIDE.
It’s all a matter of perspective. It’s simply a matter of choosing to love and follow your heart over and over again. If you are operating from the heart (which I may add is super smart) and look at things, people and situations with an open heart then that is your start of heaven. Because if you look at the world through the lens of love all you see is PARADISE and that everything is there to make you RISE. It’s all for you BUDDY. Oh, if you only knew how much God loves you and how special you truly are. The universe is deeply, madly in love with you Brother or Sister. Trust me, it wants you to to be happy and it wants you to be free. Forever. And it does everything it can to draw you closer, to make you see, to make you realize that you are the key.  Sometimes it’s more interested in changing you then changing your environment for that very reason. Because true happiness is within and always starts NOW.
Not when you have obtained all the people and objects of your desire. Because those are just things that you discover within yourself first by dreaming about them. Then later on those dreams become true but it always starts with you.
LOVE NOW and then you will be like WOW. You get what you give. Give love and you get EVERYTHING. Because love is EVERYTHING. There is nothing more valuable. There is an infinite treasure within you just waiting to be discovered.
Just please realize how precious you are. You come from nature which is the reflection of love. So.. I want you to be like this when somebody is trying to diss this pretty little miss (or dude) reading this article: I am from nature watch me grow and as I do my infinite worth will start to show. You have infinite potential. You are daughter/son of God and Mother nature. You will grow up to be like them. You are royalty. It’s all about loving yourself back together again. It’s all about how you see yourself and not about how others see you. NO. That is not important because they are just looking at the world through their lens and they see things how they want to see them.
We all create our own reality, our own life by how we perceive ourselves and thus the universe. You can only save yourself. You have to do it. Only you can make you happy and only you have the power to change your life and not let anybody or anything make you feel down.
That power is LOVE. So yea.. The slogan of my website, Find your strength in love. KEEP it with you That is your true strength and don’t you ever forget it. That is what can make you happy forever. That is the force with which you can attract and create EVERYTHING.
You are powerful man (or girl either way you’re a precious pearl ^_^). So unbelievably powerful. And I want you to know that whatever happens.. Your heart will always be there for you.

There is a force within you so strong (stronger than anything in the universe) so how can anything ever truly go wrong? You’re either being directed, perfected or corrected. Nothing that happens to you is to punish you. Sure it can certainly hurt as hell sometimes but that same hell will make you become more who you truly are. A precious shining star. And you will reach your destination. You all will. Don’t you know? Heaven is our true home.
And if you feel compassion for me, like I do for you then be a sweetheart and help me grow my community by sharing this article with your friends & family so that they too can realize that they are worthy of EVERYTHING and that so we can all create our own paradise here on earth together as one through the power of love. That’s the dream I have you know.. In the video I talk about Life's Good well, this is a long cherished dream, to see the people of the world unite and stand up for what is right. To come together undivided and live for love united. And I know in my heart… That we will some day. Because even though a lot of us have forgotten. We are ONE big family, ONE soul, ONE heart. And we are FU**Cking awesome.
I don’t know when, I don’t know how, but I know something is starting right NOW.. Watch and you’ll see one day we’ll be living in harmony, singing the song of love together and spreading that delicious, most awesome happy tune all throughout the galaxy. Good times up ahead.. Just let love in, let it win and let the good times roll baby.

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