Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Up Close & Personal

Once you realize that everything is nature, everything is connected, has a place & a purpose in the web of life then you can see the beauty & divinity of it all. And when you can see that then you know.. That you don’t have to take things seriously and that all you really have to do is just be yourself and enjoy.

Nobody is making you feel what you’re feeling. Nobody has the power to make you feel something negative emotionally. Your reactions are caused by how you interpret any situation. This is so important because it means that you ultimately become your own resource of emotional freedom and truth.
— Adyashanti

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Open your heart

It's so cool how certain insights (or wisdom if you will) can make you go from feeling down to feeling really happy.

I actually had a fantastic day, I feel incredibly grateful and happy, but some things happened that, to me, were things that could make me feel sad & down for a while as long as I choose to take those things personal and as long as I choose to hold on to the negative feelings & emotions that were triggered by these people & events.

Only I didn't take it personal, and I didn't hold on to the negative feelings that were triggered by what happened because quite quickly, I received insights that made me feel even better about today (and life) and this left me feeling even more blessed & free.

Isn't that amazing though? How just having the required wisdom can keep you from feeling sad & down about certain things that happened in the past or even today.

Wisdom can make you so happy, peaceful, calm and leaves you feeling blessed & free, but what is wisdom? It's healed wounds. Because the fact of the matter is, you are whole, you are the source of it all and only your love can complete things and only your wisdom (your perception) can make life seem beautiful, wonderful and magical.

It doesn't matter where you are now. It doesn't matter what you have. What matters, when it comes to being happy, is your ability to make things seem wonderful in your own eyes (even when they aren't). In this lies true freedom if you ask me. Because nobody can take away that ability, nobody can take away your love, nobody or nothing can take away your happiness unless you let them. Happiness & peace is your responsibility.

And so I say, develop your ability to turn things into gold. And as far as I know, only your heart can see the true beauty in things, only your heart can complete things, only your love can make everything right.

Your love, your heart.. Is your salvation :). Open your heart. That's the best advice one could ever give you when it comes to being happy, free and peaceful.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

You are whole

You are already whole. All there is left to do is enjoy, play, be.

This message of Jim Carrey (watch the video) says everything I wanna say about this subject. I couldn´t have said it better myself.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Letters Of Hope: How To Switch From Sadness To Happiness

You can't always feel happy (that's bullshit) because sometimes you simply have to go through certain heavy emotions so that you can learn & grow, but you don't wanna stay stuck in sad mode and that's why I decided to share some tips on how you can switch from being sad to being happy.

First thing you need to know is that when you have experienced something negative then you can choose to use this as inspiration & motivation to focus harder on the good things and to be more appreciative of them. When you focus on something long enough and also show gratitude in advance then it will definitely manifest. This is something you really wanna keep in mind because if you choose to focus on the good after going through a negative experience then you will automatically attract things (or people) that will cheer you up.

There are many things that can make us feel down, but rejection is certainly something that can make most people feel blue and so I will use this as an example.

Let's say that you have known a girl or guy for a while and things have been good. You got to know each other a little bit better and this girl or guy really seems to be into you.

Of course it brings you joy and excitement when a girl or guy that you really like seems to be into you and shows that he or she is interested in getting to know you better, but what if all the sudden this boy or girl is no longer interested in you (for whatever reason)?

What if they don't even wanna hang with you anymore? If you really cared about this person then this sudden change of feelings from their side can bring you some very heavy emotions. 

Okay.. So this is how you deal with a situation like this. The heavy emotions have to be felt. Don't suppress them. Emotions are there to teach us something, love them, but don't become attached to them and don't take action when under the influence of heavy emotions (unless you are absolutely sure that whatever you plan to do is the right thing to do).

The heavy emotions can actually bring you inspiration & motivation and that's why they have to be felt. For example, they can teach you that you never want to go through something like this again and so you get inspired to become more careful with letting people in (this is a good thing) or motivated to focus more on the people who do care about you or who have made you feel good about yourself in the past.

Do you have memories of a guy or girl who brought you positive feelings? Sometimes focusing on this particular guy or girl makes you forgot all about the one that just rejected & hurt you. Focusing on good memories, is a good way to feel better. And feeling good is a good way to attract good experiences ;-). Don't be surprised if this guy or girl (or somebody who looks like this person) shows up in your life after you have been positively focusing on the memories that you made with this particular person. After all, you are the story teller of your life. The future is what you make of it.

What do you choose to focus on? What do you choose to feel good or bad about? Choose wisely because how you feel matters a lot as it determines how your life is going to look like in the future.

Like I said, you are the story teller of your life. You are playing a certain song by focusing on certain things and by feeling a certain way and by thinking certain way and about certain things. You attract the people & situations that resonate with your song sorta speak.

So make sure that you play a good song and then you will have a good life.

Having a good life doesn't mean that negative things don't happen.. Because we also have to learn from the negative.. Being happy just means that you know how to deal & react to all the negative things that occur in your life in way that it doesn't bother you anymore. You simply enjoy everything that crosses your path, knowing that it's all a gift.

You can always take something good, something positive out of a negative situation, so negative things too are a gift, but a gift in disguise. You can learn from everybody and especially from the ones that hurt you. You can use their negativity as fuel for your fire. You don't have to hold a grudge when somebody rejects you, it's okay to be like what a bitch or what a jerk for just dumping me like that and being totally careless about it, but don't hold on to negative feelings for too long. Forgive. Understand where they are coming from. Maybe this person has a good reason for no longer be interested in you and maybe they don't have a good reason at all, but if this is the case then that's there problem, not yours.

Never take it personal when a person all of the sudden feels way differently about you. People can love you the one day and hate you the next. It happens.. And it has nothing to do with you. You are perfect just the way you are.

Just make sure that you love yourself.. And then you will attract people who feel the same way. 

Negative people can still be drawn to you. So learn how to read signs and pay attention to red flags. VIBES DON'T LIE.

I once met a girl who constantly continued to disrespect me. Every time I said something about it, she would always come with a good excuse, but I know now that it was just an excuse and nothing more, because when we parted ways, she made it very clear how she really felt about me and it turned out that she never really respected or appreciated me even though I always treated her with kindness and respect.

I should have ended things with her the moment I felt that she didn't respect me, but instead I held on to a friendship that was never going to work and that only caused me misery.

If a person doesn't show respect you or treats you badly then don't keep giving them another chance to make it right, don't listen to their excuses. You are precious and you deserve to be surrounded by people who really care about you. Don't settle for less than you deserve. 

Just realize that you have a different path then this person and now is not the right time to have a friendship or relationship with them. Move on.

I did.. And I'm better off. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Embody what you preach about

Sometimes I meet people who have a philosophy that is similar to mine, but as I get to know them better, I discover that they don't really embody it.

For example, just because somebody is a hippy, (somebody who promotes peace, love and happiness, and sticks up for what they believe in. Anyone can be a hippie, not just people that look like one), does not necessarily mean that they themselves are kind, respectful, compassionate and peaceful.

I've met people who are a 'hippy', but that turned out to be much more immature, disrespectful, and insensitive than people that I know who aren't what you can call hippies. 

Mostly, people who are aware, wise and compassionate are generally into meditation, nature and living healthy, but there also people who are into this simply because because it feeds their spiritual ego.

I personally believe that you should just be yourself, follow your bliss and enjoy & trust the journey. That's the most spiritual thing you can do. 

I know my wisdom mostly comes from being an empath and having experienced many hardships. I feel things so very deeply. This is both a curse and a blessing because negative things are also felt more strongly, but this made me all the more motivated and inspired to acquire wisdom and to make my dreams come true. 

And you know what.. Dreams do come true. Not by having a certain philosophy or knowledge, but by having a clear vision of what you want and feeling good about that. Everything you feel will at some point of time come back to you.

So whatever belief, religion, perception, diet, hobby, vision, dream, people, things make you feel happy, good and peaceful.. Hold on to that. Not to what you think you should be doing because of the society we live in or because you're afraid of what other people might think.

If your a man and wearing a fucking dress makes you happy then go ahead and buy yourself a nice dress and wear it. This might be a silly example, but I am totally serious. If something silly makes you happy, then go for it. What other people will think does not matter. And you know why?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's never too late to be happy

Don't let anyone or anything dull your spark, don't let anyone or anything keep you from your purpose & the right path for you. Yes, we can make mistakes and lose sight of what is really most important for us, but we can always correct & redeem ourselves and get on the right path again. And the right path & purpose for you is always what makes you happy, what brings you closer to yourself and what brings you peace & prosperity.
Just remember. It's never to late to choose happiness and you are always guided, blessed and loved.