Life's Good Spiritual Retreat is donation based. How many people we can help all depends on how much many money we raise and the amount of support we get.
Contribute / Help raise funds
If you want to help raise funds for the first Spiritual retreat/ Community of Life's Good then this is much appreciated.
If you are interested in donating money to me directly then please click here.
All you have to do is signup by sending an e-mail to I will decide if you can join the spiritual retreat after we have done an interview on Skype or Google+ (I don't accept just anybody).
At Life's Good we train & educate people how they can become an instrument of love.
It all starts with you. Learn how to stay centered in love and your life will never be the same again.
Nothing can stop you when you feel love.
All that matters is how you feel.
And if you learn to stay centered in love
then you can always feel happy, peaceful
and free no matter what.
Life is just a reflection of how you feel. Master how you feel inside and everything else will fall into place.
All that matters is how you feel.
And if you learn to stay centered in love
then you can always feel happy, peaceful
and free no matter what.
Life is just a reflection of how you feel. Master how you feel inside and everything else will fall into place.
Find your strength in love.
Change yourself, change your life
Did you know that life is just a reflection of the relationship that you have with yourself? Change the relationship that you have with yourself and not only will you change your life forever, but you will change the world by being an example of freedom, peace and happiness for others.
Life's Good is about transforming your life by teaching you that life is already paradise and you only have to see it for yourself. You are blessed.
And as you do... All your dreams will come true because what you focus on expands. If you can find heaven within yourself and bring it out then it will become your reality. Life is only a reflection of the garden that you have grown with yourself. Is your life a reflection of the garden of Eden? If it is not then you need to start working on growing the tree of life within you back to its full glory. This is only a matter of healing yourself.
Nourish and feed the god and goddess within you, heal any broken and wounded parts that are in you and your life will never be the same again.
“If something is not working in your life, if you are not happy, then something inside of you is needing love, attention, and healing. And when that gets healed your external life suddenly becomes so much easier and better.” - Bram Joosten
In the Life's Good Spiritual Retreat you will be educated about what you need to do to make all your dreams come true. We do this by showing and teaching you that Life is a gift and that you only have to unwrap it. You hold the key to it's infinite treasure. In fact, you are the key.
Be happy and grateful now. Love and accept yourself and all struggles will disappear and miracles will show in its place. You can only unwrap all gifts that life/God has to offer with gratitude and love and by healing yourself (removing blockages).
Life is God's gift to you, the way you live it is your gift to God. Get it? You are a child of the universe and your place in the universe is determined by your relationship with it.
In the Life's Good Spiritual Retreat me and my team will teach you everything you need to know about how you can build a good relationship with the universe and this is the only way to change your life forever. You create miracles by being the miracle. Be the love, be the change you wish to see in the world. Love = the miracle. Love is the highest vibrating force in the universe. It's the only way to be truly free. Be love and do all things with love!
Are you ready to change your life forever? Are you ready to create a life that is always good? Then make the decision to become an instrument of love.
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